Monday, June 11, 2012
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A Meditation

In Universal Law, whatever action we take sets up a chain reaction that travel around the world, universe and in all realms. Individuality is an illusion and everyone you meet is another you.
Some of us feel the quickening that all are freeing ourselves from the Illusion in search of truth. We will pray and send love to all whose eyes are still veiled and are still conditioned and anchored to the three-dimensional (3D) world and to those who are struggling to let go of the old paradigm. There’s a new energy permeating through the Universe, a new energy that is lifting the veil and creating an awakening experience inside. A feeling of becoming more than we are and as the Hopi Elders said “It is time to speak your Truth”
Take three deep breaths, breathe in all the way to the bottom part of your lungs then let the air slowly out but consciously let the air out through every pore of your body, feel it coming out from every cell. Feel it coming out through your skin and keep your lips lightly open in a little o to let some air out as well.
Now breathe from the heart, feel the loving presence that surrounds you and know that it is always there waiting to be let in. Smile deeply from your soul knowing that all you have to do is have intent to let the loving energy enter you.
Be aware of your crown chakra, you might feel a slight tingle where you have the swirl of hair slightly to the back and top of the head. Traditionally it’s called a cowlick and is said to be the spot where spirit enters the body and descends into matter passing down through the chakras exiting as the human essence (semen). Invite the energy inside and feel it move down to the base chakra where the Kundalini lays coiled. You might feel it stir. Circle the energy back up to the heart center. If you feel like swirling the energy do so. You will find it easily swirls to the right as DNA does. Open the heart center and let Universal love flow in. Your soul is all around you so breathe it in and allow a soul connection. Feel your prana extend out as far as you can while holding Mother Earth’s image in our mind’s eye. Allow your energy and vibrations to rise higher and higher. Allow the Divine Love to flow through the crown and heart center. Give intent to connect to Mother Earth through your heart and base chakras. As the energy builds some of you will start to see white lights or colors behind your eye lids. Acknowledge it and breathe deeper from the heart. Feel the love energy surging through you DNA down to the multi-layer dimensional level (Junk DNA).

Project all that fills you out into the universe, especially our Earth and all that’s living on it.
The next step is doing what makes you comfortable. Know that God is literally within you. Spirit knows everything and all things are known that you have lived and needs no explanation so just your intent is all that is needed. You can just sit quietly and be loved. Feel the love all around you and send it to where you know it’s needed.
Or if you have a personal mantra, state that.
Another prayer could be: The God Power within us is greater than the power causing us to feel separated from our TRUTH. We yield our mind to the God-Power within us. The God-Power within us brings us peace and power to keep seeking the light/TRUTH. And so it is.
Chose whatever makes you comfortable to expand divine will and respecting all others as equal for we are all from the same source.
Final thoughts
When we meditate/pray, we become quantum and we affect the realms through our consciousness and of being aware.
We can transcend the negative and live in the light. When we pray for positive transcendence we are living in the light.
In' Lakesh
"I am another you" or "I am another yourself". (Mayan)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
NASA's Ribbon in the Sky and Nostradamus
Last year a long band of high-energy particle emissions at the edge of our solar system was first noticed by NASA's IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft, which studies the boundary between our solar system and the rest of the galaxy.
"We believe the ribbon is a reflection," said Jacob Heerikhuisen, a NASA heliophysics guest investigator from the University of
The solar system is passing through a region of the Milky Way filled with cosmic rays and interstellar clouds.
With that said. Let’s look at Nostradamus lost book. A mysterious book of cryptic prophecies was discovered at the National Library in
Nostradamus was in agreement with the scientist of today that the solar system will pass through the galactic plane of the Milky Way galaxy, as the earth enters its 25,800 year precession as in 2012. When this happens, the gravitational wave cause earthquakes in the Sun and all the planets.
The Ribbon is shown on many pages of the lost book. Also notice the eight spoke wheel or Heavenly Cross and ribbon over it.
Could it be that Nostradamus was also predicting it would be discovered?

It seems we're discovering things at an exponential rate. (go Kepler!)
I think Kepler is going to blow the roof off our current paradigm.
Our ribbon in the sky--at the edge of the Solar System is just the tip of the ice-burg
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sorry I've been gone a while. Life's been very exciting and very busy. Interesting and new adventures, projects and developments has been keeping me very busy. Will keep you posted.
Thank you all for the wonderful e-mails and comments on Peru.
Light and Happiness
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Conscious Water
Messages From Water and a Thought.
Imagine if water could read words, feel vibrational energy and thoughts, reflect human consciousness, has memory, hear music and change its molecular structure accordingly. The very same water that make up seventy percent of the human body.
Consciousness creates and directs everything. With consciousness, anything is possible. The Universe is made up of and is ruled by conscious, living and intelligent energy that is Mind and Mind controls everything.
Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese researcher who is known for his books which document the effects that words, thoughts, prayers, intentions and even music have on the molecular structure of water by labeling the containers with certain words, projecting thoughts or playing music. His experiments include highly magnified photographs after freezing water and photographing the crystals.

If thoughts can change water structure, imagine what it can do for the body itself which is made up of seventy percent water. Think of it as a mirror to looking at ourselves. In response to human thought and emotion, water crystals can take any form. Can you imagine yet the possibilities?
If you have any doubt that your thoughts don’t affect everything around you, look at Dr. Emoto's work as proof.
His work appeared in the movie “What The Bleep Do We Know” and his amazing pictures in "The Hidden Messages in Water" will definitely convince you.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Machu Picchu
Machu Pichu means "Old Peak" in the Quechua language. City in the Clouds,The City of Light and The Crystal City and the City of Knowledge are a few names.
No matter how people enter the city, by the Inca Trail or by bus, most people suddenly stop and try to digest what the optical nerve is transmitting to their brains. You stare in disbelief as your eyes swell with tears as everything around moves in slow motion. Yes, we have seen pictures of this amazing city but nothing can prepare you for the real experience. You can feel presence of the mountain spirits, looking down on you. The mountains stand before you like living beings, the aware intelligence you feel leaves you humbled. Oddly enough it feels like “going home”
Pictures do not do Machu Picchu justice, you must see it and feel it to understand how spectacular this site is. To try and imagine the Incas not only living in but building the city in such a remote and seemingly uninhabitable place baffles the mind.
Located in cloud forest between the Andes and the Amazon, Machu Picchu really is everything you expect it to be, which is breath-taking, awe-inspiring, mysterious, and beautiful. It is an architectural wonder. It is surrounded by mountains and jungle vegetation. The site is richly green and grantie stones are perfectly formed. The Terracing practically clinging to the slope of the mountain. Wandering the ruins you can feel the weight of history as you marvel at the Inca's achievements.
The ruins of Machu Picchu was rediscovered in 1911 by Yale archaeologist Hiram Bingham
The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is one of the world's most spectacular ruins. Houses, temples, baths, storage rooms and agricultural terraces were built high among rugged and forested mountains with distant snow-covered Andean peaks providing a backdrop. It was and still is watered by natural springs, invisible from below and completely self-contained and in great state of preservation two thousand feet above the rumbling Urubamba river.
Machu Picchu seems to have been used by the Inca as a secret ceremonial city.
You stand in the clouds and it’s the most amazing feeling. Even when you walk in “solitude” in Machu Picchu you sense you sense that you are not alone there.
To watch the sun rays descend down the mountain slopes to the ruins is an unforgettable experience.
Far below, the rapids of the Urubamba river loop round the site like a serpent wrapping and protecting the sacred site.
The Snake (death), Puma (physical plane), guardian to Machu Picchu and the Condor (after life), the carrier of souls to the "other world" were very sacred to the Incas. Machu Picchu is built in the shape of the Condor. Cusco (the navel of the world) is in the shape of the Puma, then you have the Urabamba river looping like snake below surrounding three side of the mound of the mountain then flows off into the sacred valley.
Crystal City in the clouds-- The stones of the city are white granite, composed of 40% quartz crystal. You feel as if you are inside a huge giant crystal city that is vibrating around you.
Like thin veils between worlds you can feel the magnetic inward pull and the electric outward pull.
Legends and myths indicate that Machu Picchu was used as a sacred place as far back as 2500BC. Machu Picchu was never discovered and ransacked by the Spanish Conquistadors, it is something of a time capsule.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Rare Triple Eclipse
The world is witnessing a rare astronomical event- a series of triple eclipses in less than a month. The first in the series of eclipses was a lunar (full moon) eclipse on July 7 which will be followed by a (new moon) solar eclipse on July 22 and then another lunar (full moon) eclipse on August 5th. Six more triple eclipses will occur over the next decade.
On July 21st at 7:35pm PST in the
With this will be such an on rush of energy, setting the stage for what may be...
Eclipses are like a Cosmic light switch being thrown on in an area of our lives that needs to be seen and highlighted. Also, solar eclipses are about outer events in our external world.
These celestial energies enhance and support all of your intentions to grow, learn, and increase your levels of consciousness. They are the star mirrors ‘As above, so below’ that give added meaning and depth to the cycles and processes we continually go through in life.
As to my previous post on the feminine, the moon is the embodiment of the feminine, during this “once in a century” solar eclipse, her energies will be high, bringing her into equal partnership and balance with the solar (masculine). Through this remarkable integration, a new balance of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine will radiate to the entire world.
This is an extraordinary moment for humanity to collectively co-create through harmony and equality for all.
Some astrologers believe this is a time of shadows being lit up, untruths brought to the light and accelerated awakening coming to fruition.
The Black Madonna, the symbol for the oppressed, is also reemerging.
The solar eclipse has the potential to promote the liberation of all voices; voices of women, voices of indigenous people, & voices of all oppressed peoples. It is a promising time for these voices of wisdom and truth to be fully heard.
The people of Iran, especially the women
So it is that you, the children of the Sun, are now being bathed in the waters of remembrance, prepared as rainbow warriors to fulfill the promise of the new and ancient myth. By simply anchoring love's presence on Earth, you lovingly draw down the mantle of the gods, sending waves of healing and love throughout Gaia's eagerly receptive body. As you emerge in this time, your gifts awaken and empower others. Utilizing the tools of laughter, song, dance, humor, joy, trust and love, you are creating the powerful surge of transformation that will transmute the limitations of the old myth of duality and separation, birthing the miracle of unity and peace on Earth.
Excerpt from The Mythical Call by the Mayan Oracle
(Mantel is the shroud, blanket, cloak, covering or veil or as I say that is the light
Duality needs no explanation)
Also Rare Triple Eclipse on Jupiter