Last year a long band of high-energy particle emissions at the edge of our solar system was first noticed by NASA's IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft, which studies the boundary between our solar system and the rest of the galaxy.
"We believe the ribbon is a reflection," said Jacob Heerikhuisen, a NASA heliophysics guest investigator from the University of
The solar system is passing through a region of the Milky Way filled with cosmic rays and interstellar clouds.
With that said. Let’s look at Nostradamus lost book. A mysterious book of cryptic prophecies was discovered at the National Library in
Nostradamus was in agreement with the scientist of today that the solar system will pass through the galactic plane of the Milky Way galaxy, as the earth enters its 25,800 year precession as in 2012. When this happens, the gravitational wave cause earthquakes in the Sun and all the planets.
The Ribbon is shown on many pages of the lost book. Also notice the eight spoke wheel or Heavenly Cross and ribbon over it.
Could it be that Nostradamus was also predicting it would be discovered?

It seems we're discovering things at an exponential rate. (go Kepler!)
I think Kepler is going to blow the roof off our current paradigm.
Our ribbon in the sky--at the edge of the Solar System is just the tip of the ice-burg