In Universal Law, whatever action we take sets up a chain reaction that travel around the world, universe and in all realms. Individuality is an illusion and everyone you meet is another you.
Some of us feel the quickening that all are freeing ourselves from the Illusion in search of truth. We will pray and send love to all whose eyes are still veiled and are still conditioned and anchored to the three-dimensional (3D) world and to those who are struggling to let go of the old paradigm. There’s a new energy permeating through the Universe, a new energy that is lifting the veil and creating an awakening experience inside. A feeling of becoming more than we are and as the Hopi Elders said “It is time to speak your Truth”
Take three deep breaths, breathe in all the way to the bottom part of your lungs then let the air slowly out but consciously let the air out through every pore of your body, feel it coming out from every cell. Feel it coming out through your skin and keep your lips lightly open in a little o to let some air out as well.
Now breathe from the heart, feel the loving presence that surrounds you and know that it is always there waiting to be let in. Smile deeply from your soul knowing that all you have to do is have intent to let the loving energy enter you.
Be aware of your crown chakra, you might feel a slight tingle where you have the swirl of hair slightly to the back and top of the head. Traditionally it’s called a cowlick and is said to be the spot where spirit enters the body and descends into matter passing down through the chakras exiting as the human essence (semen). Invite the energy inside and feel it move down to the base chakra where the Kundalini lays coiled. You might feel it stir. Circle the energy back up to the heart center. If you feel like swirling the energy do so. You will find it easily swirls to the right as DNA does. Open the heart center and let Universal love flow in. Your soul is all around you so breathe it in and allow a soul connection. Feel your prana extend out as far as you can while holding Mother Earth’s image in our mind’s eye. Allow your energy and vibrations to rise higher and higher. Allow the Divine Love to flow through the crown and heart center. Give intent to connect to Mother Earth through your heart and base chakras. As the energy builds some of you will start to see white lights or colors behind your eye lids. Acknowledge it and breathe deeper from the heart. Feel the love energy surging through you DNA down to the multi-layer dimensional level (Junk DNA).

Project all that fills you out into the universe, especially our Earth and all that’s living on it.
The next step is doing what makes you comfortable. Know that God is literally within you. Spirit knows everything and all things are known that you have lived and needs no explanation so just your intent is all that is needed. You can just sit quietly and be loved. Feel the love all around you and send it to where you know it’s needed.
Or if you have a personal mantra, state that.
Another prayer could be: The God Power within us is greater than the power causing us to feel separated from our TRUTH. We yield our mind to the God-Power within us. The God-Power within us brings us peace and power to keep seeking the light/TRUTH. And so it is.
Chose whatever makes you comfortable to expand divine will and respecting all others as equal for we are all from the same source.
Final thoughts
When we meditate/pray, we become quantum and we affect the realms through our consciousness and of being aware.
We can transcend the negative and live in the light. When we pray for positive transcendence we are living in the light.
In' Lakesh
"I am another you" or "I am another yourself". (Mayan)