Friday, June 26, 2009

Consciousness and Harmonics

Good Vibrations

A change in matter is a change of place; a change in consciousness is a change of state.

A Social change seems to be taking place globally and there’s a clear pattern of this emerging. You can look at any news media and see that humanity is crying out for a change of state. Some changes are happening gradually while others come in jolts. Social changes, earth changes, environmental changes. Even our DNA is a changing portrait. (More on that at a later time)

Maybe more sudden events would trigger increased urgency and progress and move us toward more positive and constructive developments.

Consciousness and Harmonics: Our thoughts resonate.

The smallest particles known to man are vibrations. Thoughts are vibrations. So are words, sound, light and even feelings. Our planet and entire universe (seen and unseen) and everything within in it is a mass of atoms and subatomic particles vibrating down to the quantum level.
Every change of state in consciousness is related to vibrations of matter in its vehicle.

With that being said.
The whole world is helped with the struggle of one; sometimes it takes a whole village.

When we bare witness to the extra ordinary our thoughts change and resonate on a higher level. Imagine what happens when one incident jolts the global consciousness.

With one thought at a time, one person at a time, when the awakening starts from deep within, we will have a greater self-realization and a larger understanding.
As these incidents increase in frequency, we will in time realize the reality of our divine destiny.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pranic Healing

What is Prana?

"Prana" is the Sanskrit word for "life-force." An energy which keeps the body alive and healthy.

  • Japanese-Ki
  • China-Chi
  • Greek-pneuma
  • Polynesian-mana
  • Hebrew-ruah (breath of life)

Everything that exists in the Universe contains energy. The world we live in is an actual ocean of energy, Universal energy, spreading throughout, surrounding, interpenetrating all.

There are three major types of prana. The sun, the air and the earth (ground). We can absorb prana also from the food we eat and even from each other!

Our body is composed of two parts: the visible physical body, and the invisible energy body called the bioplasmic body or aura.

Diseases are believed to first manifest themselves as disruptions of the aura the body’s electromagnetic field. The healing process involves the manipulation of the patient's chakras, ki and aura and can be accelerated by redirecting Prana.

What we call miraculous healing is nothing more than increasing the rate of self-recovery of the body. There is nothing supernatural about pranic healing. It is based on natural laws that most people are unaware of.

1. Law of Self-Recovery: In general, the body is capable of healing itself at a certain rate.
2. Law of Life Energy: For life to exist, the body must have prana, chi or life energy. Grand

Master Choa Kok Sui, the Founder of Pranic Healing believed that "Every person has the innate ability to heal and relieve pain."

Can you feel your chi?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Numbers Part 2

The Urantia Book - Paper 77 Scan page for 1,111 and you will find this passage.
Urantia Book Wrote
The 1,111 loyal secondary midwayers are engaged in important missions on earth.

The Urantia Book -Paper 114 T
Urantia Book wrote:P1255:5, 114:6.6 2.

The progress angels
. These seraphim are intrusted with the task of initiating the evolutionary progress of the successive social ages. They foster the development of the inherent progressive trend of evolutionary creatures; they labor incessantly to make things what they ought to be.

The Urantia Book - Paper 37 mentions The Midwayers.

And then there is a USA University Professor and social scientist and author of Cosmic Voyage, Courtney Brown. On page 124 wrote: The discovery that Midwayers actually exist was a shock that reverberated through the consciousnesses of the military's SRV (Scientific Remote Viewing also called Coordinate Remote Viewing) team for quite a few years. On one hand, the information of their existence was incredibly important - for all sorts of reasons. But on the other hand, it was never clear how one could explain all of this to the generals who were more concerned about warhead counts in missile silos.

It seems the mass of humanity is making some sort of collective evolutionary leap.

P.S (Deli bill last night $22.22.)
Posted my blog on
The submission was made by ( on June 19th at 11:11am.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What Are The Odds?


1. What are the odds that while driving, a car with license plate XXX11, was on the left side when a big truck, license place XX1111, on the right, cuts in front of you.

2. What are the odds that while running to make a light; you look up and saw you had 11 seconds to make it across the street?

3. What are the odds that in an elevator -- after doing the usual things girls do in elevators, fix hair, check shoes, adjust clothes, try to get a glimpse in the shiny door before stepping out, you happen to look up as the 11th floor blinks and goes by. You are the last stop on 20.

4. What are the odds that the length of time on the phone with the first client of the day is 1:11 seconds.?

5. What are the odds that while making your way down to the lunchroom at work, after stopping a few times to gossip along the way, you got to the to the microwave (it was blinking—someone forgot to press “clear”), pushed the button and 1:11 pm shows up almost as if saying a big HELLO!

6. What are the odds that all of this happened all before 2:00 the same day?

7. What are the odds that through out the day, you just happen to look at the clock at eleven after the hour every hour or 11:11 10:10 10:01 etc...?

8. What are the odds that similar things like these happen on a daily basis?

There must a scientific explanation for this phenomenon as everything has a reasonable explanation right?

(as I’m writing this my phone rings-212--XXX-X111 it’s the wrong number, someone wants to sell me insurance). Oh boy! Should have asked if it was life insurance before I rudely hung up. The time 10:01am.

When the numbers are revealed to the individual, there is a deep stirring inside where you feel as though your DNA is literally waking up after a long slumber trying to remember...but remember what?

Are the numbers too frequent to be random?