Good Vibrations
A change in matter is a change of place; a change in consciousness is a change of state.
A Social change seems to be taking place globally and there’s a clear pattern of this emerging. You can look at any news media and see that humanity is crying out for a change of state. Some changes are happening gradually while others come in jolts. Social changes, earth changes, environmental changes. Even our DNA is a changing portrait. (More on that at a later time)
Maybe more sudden events would trigger increased urgency and progress and move us toward more positive and constructive developments.
Consciousness and Harmonics: Our thoughts resonate.
The smallest particles known to man are vibrations. Thoughts are vibrations. So are words, sound, light and even feelings. Our planet and entire universe (seen and unseen) and everything within in it is a mass of atoms and subatomic particles vibrating down to the quantum level. Every change of state in consciousness is related to vibrations of matter in its vehicle.
With that being said.
The whole world is helped with the struggle of one; sometimes it takes a whole village.
When we bare witness to the extra ordinary our thoughts change and resonate on a higher level. Imagine what happens when one incident jolts the global consciousness.
With one thought at a time, one person at a time, when the awakening starts from deep within, we will have a greater self-realization and a larger understanding. As these incidents increase in frequency, we will in time realize the reality of our divine destiny.
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