Return of the Natural Order
According to Mayan elders of the eagle clan. The Mayan prophecies speak to us of the changes towards the fifth sun, on the famous, yet misunderstood date of December 21, 2012 which so happens to be winter solstice date. Right now we are in the throes of the fourth sun transitioning to the fifth.
**Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij. He has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world
The sun, moving to the heart of the galaxy (also called the dark rift), will align with the solar and galactic plane bringing about changes. The precessional Cycle of the Holy Cross, the Heavenly Cross is formed by the Milkey Way and the ecliptic-galactic center (notice the 8 spoke wheel on plate 67 & 69 from the The Lost Book of Nostradamus ). The crossing or wheel of time. Just between Sagittarius and Scorpio where Sagittarius’s arrow is pointing to a dark gap, there is a 13th zodiac sign call Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer).
A Change in ages requires a change in consciousness.
- The first cycle was a feminine energy, its element was fire.
- The second cycle was of masculine energy, its element was earth.
- The third cycle was a feminine energy, its element was air.
- The fourth cycle is a masculine energy, that we are in now and its element is water.
- The fifth cycle will be a fusion of both feminine and masculine energies. It will be a transition bringing about balance between the two. Both energies will support each other. It is why this period is called one of harmony, the kingdom of love and the return of consciousness. Its element will be that of ether.
Pope and a cross on fire. Fall of church and state (notice the man and woman are together equally)
The fire and cross may signify the raising of the Kundalini from base of spine and activating the Chakra system.The Tree of Life.

Feminine Energies elevating to rightful place.
There's a possibility that we may just discover that the next step in evolution and evolution of consciousness has been gestating in us waiting for the right time, a trigger in time, to move forward and give way to a new era.
Ahead may lie not only an alignment with our sun to the Dark Rift but an alignment of our inner light and out outward actions giving way to a clearer reality shared by Science and Spirituality. Giving us a chance to reconnect to our cosmic heart and eternal source.
Jo, you should change careers! Wow. Ben